Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Thoughts Exactly - Runner's World Today

Today I got an email from Runner's World. I get one most every day and half of the time I just automatically delete it from my blackberry and therefore from my inbox. However, I was pretty interested in the article attached to the email from today. These are just little tips if you're a runner - typical things you have already heard. I just decided to add a bit more to the tips...

Secrets Of Speed
Intervals and tempo miles matter. But they're not the only tools a runner can use to get quicker. Heed the advice below and watch your PR get a little lower.
By Michelle Hamilton
From the August 2009 issue of Runner's World 

Lose Weight
A five-pound 
weight loss can take more than two minutes off your half-marathon time. Plus, weight loss can reduce your injury risk and improve your biomechanics. 
ME: While this world is screaming at you with certain body types on the news, in magazines and in store windows, understand that "Lose Weight" is not communicating the runway model look. Most people who start running do not ease themselves into a training program and therefore suffer from serious injuries because they are carrying too much weight. Too much weight can refer to everything from fat to bulk muscle weight. Your joints can only do soooo much so be good to them. "Lose weight" is saying; increase metabolic rate and then increase lean muscle mass! All in all, this "Lose Weight" is just to emphasize why lean muscle mass is incredibly important!

Wear Less
Don't wear things that will slow you down. That means no fuel belt, no headphones, no iPhone, no long-sleeve shirt around your waist, and no heavy shoes.
ME: This one is GREAT! I'm going to break it down. I don't wear a fuel belt anyways, so I'm not going to talk about that. 
Headphones - I'm a user and a believer. I have this relationship with my Nike's. It's called Nike+. I track all of my runs. I like to get a good jam in while running, sometimes I like to find a bit of inspiration when Lance Armstrong talks to me. It's difficult to run in Clemson and have hundreds of cars pass by at different speeds, it can really effect your tempo and breathing. I don't think you need to get rid of headphones but what I will tell you is to get rid of VOLUME! Turn it down. If you can't hear someone running up behind just have a shirt made with "I want to get attacked" on the back (Especially if you're a girl! Don't be ridiculous in what you're running in or how you're running!)
I won't even add to no iPhone, really... is that an issue?!
When dressing for a run you should go for the rule to always dress as if it is 20 degree's warmer than the actual outdoor temperature. NOW on hot days that doesn't mean wear next to nothing, it means be smart about how your constricting your body. If you wear a hat to block the sun on a hot day, unless it's a thin mesh one, it will not allow the heat from your body to exit.
Last... shoes can become expensive, there is no denying it. However, it's a better idea to spend the money on the shoes compared to months if not years of medical costs that can be associated with exercise injuries. For running, go to a running store. They will watch the way you walk, watch the way you step and tell you what the best options are for you! The shoes you run in are not your gym shoes though (unless all you do at the gym is cardio). If you like to run a few days a week and like to do some weights in the gym, you should be wearing completely flat shoes.
For both pair, and just in general, the lighter the shoe, the better!

Sleep More
Research from Stanford University indicates that athletes who get more sleep during training have better reaction time and speed. Even if you can't get 10 hours of sleep like the study subjects, the researchers say that just a 20-minute nap can help performance. 

ME: It is difficult to get into this great habit... enough said.

Drink Caffeine
Not only is caffeine credited with improved alertness and increased focus, newer research suggests it can improve pain tolerance and help you fatigue less quickly. To get the most out of caffeine, down a cup of plain tea or coffee (not a mocha frappuccino) 30 to 60 minutes before a race or hard workout.

ME: YES!! Bring on the coffee! Please do notice the word "plain." If you're adding cups of sugar to your coffee that's NOT good! That sugar is actually telling you you want to be hungry - gain weight... it's saying MORE MORE MORE to your system!
Don't be afraid of the dark stuff! Enjoy the energy.

Limit the Junk Food
Sugar can actually trigger hunger, which can lead to weight gain. Plus, you'll get more out of your mileage with long-lasting staples like 
whole-grain rice and pasta than with sugary foods that can cause sluggishness—not what you want if you're pushing for speed.

ME: Best advice... STAY away from any carbs that are white! Do not fear carbs, they are useful!

My Quote from L.M.!

"Not busy at all so busy at work today!" - L. Mendenhall

First, please take notice to my brand new TITLE! I was itching to have something that was just... better, now I do thanks to one of my favorite talented &  married ladies L. Mendenhall!

Before I received her email today I started working on a title for my blog in PowerPoint and this is what happened:
It's cute, isn't it... however, L. was much more talented with photoshop and we're going to have fun playing around with the header. Keep your eyes on ones you like!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Am I a Diva or a Runner?

I have a tremendous amount of respect for any woman who can maintain a full time job, a comfortable lifestyle, train for marathons and have long hair!

Can I confess how much of a "diva" I decided to be this morning when my alarm started singing to me at 6 a.m.? First, I hit snooze twice... telling myself that I really do not need to be out of bed till 6:10! Then at 6:15 I became annoyed with my alarm, started thinking about my run, how many miles I needed to put in before 7 a.m., taking a shower and honestly, the entire process of drying, straightening/styling, make-up, getting dressed, quite-time, having breakfast and preparing lunch - so, I reset my alarm for 6:50 deciding to do everything but run! I know, I get it, diva weakness. 

Now, hear my case. I would be rushing. Had I gone to bed earlier that previous night, a 5:30 alarm would have been the best option - but I didn't.

I started my training program last Monday for a half-marathon at the end of October. I'm excited about actually "officially" running one. I have put the miles in on random runs, but have never had a number attached to me or run through a finish-line. Lance Armstrong, however, has congratulated me on my Nike+ a few times but still that's not an official "let's put a sticker on the car" run.

In all reality, I hope that I can mature into one of those ladies who has a full time job, a comfortable lifestyle, trains for a marathon and can maintain long hair!

Oh, and I am putting in my miles after work today - some weights in the morning and I'm thinking I need to update my blow dryer to an ionic - Am I a diva or a runner?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

2 Years Ago, Tonight

2 years ago, tonight, on the campus of Clemson University, at the first FCA of the year, I was introduced to Philip.

Had you told me that that introduction would have been the start of an amazing friendship and the beginning of a lifelong relationship, I would have quickly laughed and said, "you really don't know me, do you?"

It was my senior year of college, my final collegiate season of rowing and my determination to prove successful in academics and athletics kept me on a perfectly straight line headed towards the perfect career - although I didn't know what it was, I was sure it would find me. I for one did not have the time for a relationship, especially a "first" relationship. My Type-A personality had already planned my schedule. That means, I had every last minute mapped out that year. I knew where I needed to be and why I needed to be there, which is why I was at the first FCA of the 2008-2009 school year. 
That Thursday night started just like every other Thursday night in Clemson, South Carolina. FCA likes to  have service in the amphitheater, in front of the library, a central location in campus, during the first few weeks of school while the evening weather is comfortable and numbers are large. They fill the over sized steps students and the stage with the worship leaders, musical equipment and instruments. My roommate Caitlin and I decide that despite our devoted time to rowing, we would make an effort to volunteer with FCA that year. We decided to be greeters. We jumped to our location for the evening and smiled, waved and joyfully greeted and invited all who walked near. Our purpose was to welcome back anyone from before and welcome in anyone who was new.

While I had only attended Clemson for a full year at that point, I already had a great group of friends and connections with many people on campus. That's one of the amazing things about Clemson. You can have a class with someone and never speak to them in that semester. However, if you see them at a University event you automatically know that you have a friend. You slightly remember the persons name, you have that awkward but fun introduction time and then you begin a conversation that could easily be found in a comfortable coffee or ice cream shop. I was seeing friend after friend and new faces all around. I am a talker so a few people got more time than others and some just got a wave. 

My friend Chris and I were talking after the service, catching up on each others summer activities, when this guy comes up and starts talking to Chris. Since I was already in a conversation with Chris, I was of course involved in this new conversation brought to him. This random guy, who I do not know starts talking about where he was sitting and who sat down with his group during FCA. I like people, I get energy from being around people and therefore feel like I am perceptive to personalities. This guy seemed like a easy-going type and so I speak up; "Well don't you think you're special." He froze and semi-smiled, then I introduced myself. He did the same; "Hi, I'm Philip." Chris and him were in a small group together. The year before, I had actually met Chris for the first, or maybe second, time at the first FCA of the year because of an old friend from High School. Who would have known that a year later my new friend Chris was introducing me to the man I would spend the rest of my life with?

Needless to say, Philip and I had become friends. I was at dinner the next night, Friday the 29th, with a friend and he was coming into the same restaurant with his group of guys as we were leaving. Both of us are confident people and immediately reunited the introduction from the previous night. Now, again, I was focused on ME. I knew I wanted to rock my thesis for my senior year in my Communication degree. I knew I wanted to be the coxswain of the Varsity 8 boat and help our Lady Tigers have the best season of Clemson Rowing to date. Finally, I knew that I wanted to graduate from Clemson and have to turn down jobs because I was just that amazing - okay, don't worry... being humble will be another blog! Because of all of these things that "I knew" I saw my friendship with Philip as a friendship for a year that would probably become a "leave a Birthday note on Facebook" type-of-friendship... Oh, I was so wrong!

It's two years later and he is my best friend. 
He is my the only boyfriend I've ever had. 
He is my fiance'. 
He is my future husband! 
He is a blessing I was at first ignoring from God. 

He is the Cowboy, a good ol' Southern gentleman, who made Prince Charming look like a Rodeo Clown. I could not have asked for anyone else because God knows who is perfect for me.

It's two years later and I could not be more thankful for the people I have had in my life that brought him into my life!

Happy two years of the greatest friendship ever Philip! I love you!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

At The End of the Day...

I started this Blog with the purpose of writing daily, obviously that hasn't occurred. However, the past few days have been packed with a necessary amount of task's.

First, I have to show off my new headboard. I saw a beautiful upholstered headboard for almost $600 and said, false! I started to put my design-star on and decided that Philip and I could easily create an awesome headboard for under $100. Guess what? We did it for under $50!

I used a few sites for reference, helping me to the estimate the amount of materials needed to create the headboard. I googled "Upholstered Headboards" to get some ideas then I just started! I know my style and the atmosphere I like to melt into when I get to my room at the end of the day, so that helped determine the fabric texture, color and the roping. The fabric is a linen, almost as thick as canvas - very durrable. It reminded me of the beach because it has the beige undertone and flecks of dark spots that resemble tiny pieces of shells broken amongst the sand. I lined the entire headboard in a goldish/beige/green rope - used Tacky Glue and pins to hold it in place. Here are the pictures, it turned out exactly how I wanted!

My Coastal Retreat
The full Head Board

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

And So It Begins...

Who would have ever guessed that after growing up in beautiful waterfront Annapolis that I would take the next steps of my life in the beauty of Southern living in the Upstate of South Carolina. With Orange running through my blood, proud of my Tiger years, and a Cowboy being Prince Charming, I could not ask for more as God continues to show me His Heart!

Tomorrow marks year 2 of not being in school. Clemson University will begin their Fall semester tomorrow and while I do not exactly miss school, I desire that anxiety of finding my new classrooms, meeting my new professors and listening to expectations for the semester. With that anxiety there is so much excitement when you see familiar faces on the Library bridge or in Daniel and Vickery Hall.

Tomorrow actually marks one complete year of despising this countries economy as I have a college degree, a full resume and no career. The saddest thing is, I do not stand alone. But, I want to stand out.

I am starting this blog as a challenge. A challenge that will keep me accountable to my past, my present and my future. A challenge that will utilize my outstanding education. This is a challenge to keep connected. With family and friends around the entire country, this is my communication.

I will challenge myself to write again!

I want to share everything from my day, fitness advice and tips, cooking fun, what I'm learning in the Word and even some of my thesis research - maybe.

I cannot promise that every post will be entertaining. What I can promise is that every post will have a purpose whether for you or for someone else... I'm looking forward to this challenge and officially, It Begins...